Saturday, 6 December 2008

Drunk ass Giant finish your damn work!

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Okay, so it's been a while since i've blogged here but lets not dwell on that (especially considering it's going to happen a lot :D)

So where was I? Oh yeah, after having been around Rathlin Is and meeting my gran my Uncle Patrick was nice enough to take me to the Giants Causeway. It's about 30 mins away from Ballycastle and is totally badass.

It was a fantastic day for a walk even if it was a bit windy. We went along the cliff top first then made our way down to the Organ.

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Then the main causeway area. Apparently the story behind them is that a Giant wanted to build a pathway acrross to Scotland to start a fight with a giant over there. Well, he was Irish so he must have stopped for a drink or something and got mad boozed because he never finished it.

Turns out my Uncle is a bit of Geology nerd (hehe, he's cool though). The more boring explanation is that it was caused by the sudden cooling of lava. As it cooled equally on all sides it constricted and formed the 4,5,6 sided shapes. As you can see they are quite a sight.

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Someone once said that the Causeway is worth seeing but not worth going to. I don't know what he meant because the scenery was really nice.

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Oh yeah, on the way back a huge murder of crows were going ape. My Uncle says that it's a bad omen, and that something big was going to happen... weather wise anyway :P

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Yeah so that's pretty much it about the causeway. They are really cool and I recommend going to see them but would probably avoid them in winter as it would be furreeeeezing.

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