Saturday, 6 December 2008

Hey Aidan, watchu up to?

From Random Photos

Well, i'm glad you asked

Not much. Edinburgh is pretty cool, well to cue the joke about the weather, literally cool! Hahahahaeeeemhmmm yeah so anyway. It snows at night mainly and i've had a couple of nights where i could play in it. I hate it the next day though when it's all ice. Makes for a ridiculously slippy walk on the way to work. It sucks.

I went to a party teh otehr night, it was a rubics cube party so everyone has to wear items of clothes of the six colours of the rubix cube then later in the night you swap so you're all the same colour.

From Rubics Cube Party

From Rubics Cube Party

From Rubics Cube Party

It was a huge success, but that's not the best part.

I left the party about three am saying i better leave before it snows. I went outside and everything was white. Big snow flakes were falling from the sky, lit by the street lamps on the way down. It was my first time in falling snow and i absolutely loved it. I couldn't stop smiling. I went for a walk through the park and it was just magical. :) awesome eh? It's all gone by the morning though.

Didn't get any pictures though. Well, i was just wearing a tshirt and jeans so to be honest i was keen to get back to the backpackers before i caught something.

BUT, when i was in Largs last weekend it snowed again and i did get a couple of pics of that. :D

From Largs

From Largs

So i found a flat living with 3 others in a really nice area. My room is big and the people are cool. I don't move in until the middle of Dec though so am just staying at the backpackers. It's nice enough and for the last week i've had a room to myself so it's all good. Made a few friends there so that's nice.

From Edinburgh

Work people are really nice and i've been to a few parties. My pig costume for Halloween went down well. It was actually really scary. I went out the night before just for a walk down the street to pubs nad people were pretty scared.

From Random Photos

From Random Photos

Been missing Nz a bit, especially when seeing the weather reports and hearing from my Dave how nice it is. Also missing the food. It's good here, much better than Glasgow, but i know where all the good places in Auckland are and it's a shame to start again on those nights when you're really hungry and prone to bad food choices.

So it's coming up Xmas and to Edinburgh's credit you can really tell. The whole place is lit up with lights, and there is a big xmas market with nice food and roasted nuts nad stuff. Ice skating too, but i don't know how. Will prob just fall over so can't be bothered with it.

From Edinburgh

Oh yeah, i'm prob going to Ireland again after Xmas. Will spend Xmas here with friends or at my aunts house. Then off to Ireland then back here for new years. Apparently it's really awesome here and everyone parties on the streets... providing its not raining or minus 4.

From Edinburgh

Most people in Edinburgh are pretty cool, there are some real punk ass kids though. Like the skinhead types that walk around like they are the hottest thing on the planet whereas in reality their face looks like they were subjected to the vacuum of space and the unfiltered rays of the sun.

Oh man, you know how girls wear those little skirts and horrible Ug boots? Well, they do here too, except it's like minus 2 and they are FREEZING their tits off waiting for the bus. Made me laugh as i walked past. Jesus woman, put on some clothes you look like a tart anyway.

Malaria is kind of cool

So i've been working for a couple of weeks now so i thought i'd give an update on how it's going.

Yeah the malaria work is cool. The malaria i work with only infects rodents but as with human malaria uses 'ol Anopheles as the host. Not all malarial parasites use mosquitos though, or solely infect mammals. There is a chicken malaria and a pig malaria whose vector is a tick. But yeah, we are testing evolutionary theory through looking how the malaria changes it's gamete sex ratio in response to different environmental conditions. But there's other work too, like someone else is looking at the effect of drugs (i.e. the drugs don't work 100% so the malaria that's left is far more virulent). It's pretty cool but a bit slow going learning everything (mainly because not everyone has stuff for me to do at the moment).

I've been looking at blood smears though and can see the little malarial parasites hanging out in the red blood cells.

From Work Dec

From Work Dec

From Work Dec

Yep, i've been staring at those for a week now and counting the hundreds of malarial parasites. Pretty cool that you can see them though.

I also saw this graffiti written on the back of a toilet door at work. I found it rather funny.
From Work Dec

Dreamy Days and D.A.I.S.Y Chains

So i've been to two concerts since arriving in Scotland.

A while back I went into Glasgow to see Roots Manuva. It was in this crazy as location too. Old railway tunnels that were converted into a bar and stage. The acoustics were great and as my friend Gary says it looks like the sort of place they stored alien bodies or something.
From Roots Manuva

The actual concert was good. It's funny hearing the opening act trying to hype up the Glaswegian crowd when they were having none of it. I can't remember what his name was but he wasn't too bad. You gotta feel for them because more often than not everyone there wants nothing more for the opening act to just bog off and let the REAL artist turn up.
Roots was really really good. Again I can't remember his name but his supporting singer was really good. There were times where Roots just chilled out in the corner for a while and let the guy go at it and no-one really cared because he was really good.
From Roots Manuva

He played the usual stuff, finishing up with Dreamy Days.. where he taught the audience how to sing it properly.. NO NO NO!!! it's not NAH NAH NAH at the end it's NAH NAHHHHHHHHH. Took us like 3 tries to get it right. Haha.
From Roots Manuva

My only complaint would be that he wasn't on for that long, but then he was probably off his face so fair game to him.
Fun fact about the crowds in Scotland, they don't chant the artists name at the end of the concert they chant.. ONE MORE TOOON . Funny thing was Roots came on and then did only play ONE MORE TOON. Weird, most of the other encores i've seen are usually at least 2 or 3 songs.
Here are a few pics.

So the other gig I went to (after missing out on Tv on the Radio) was De La Soul in Edinburgh. I was a bit gutted when I got there because the opening act was still on and he was soooo shit. I mean the mc was okay but his dj was soo soo so shit. I'm not going to claim to be this hip hop guru or anything but would all the british up and coming hip hop artists quit trying to be Dizzee Rascal and carve out your own sound. Please.

But then De La came on and killed it. They had the whole crowd (who were dead with the opening act) jumping. The kings of working the crowd, they had the center, left and right all fighting for who was more in love with Hip hop. According to Dave, our side was Married to HipHop. To which the other members of De La hassled the shit out of him for.. they even stopped a song halfway to say... “married to hip hop??? really?!!??”. It seems like even though it's been like twenty years we dont need to worry about De La breaking up soon, they still get along really well.

From De La Soul

Rock Co Kane Flow live was my highlight, as was Saturday.. oh and The magic number.. oh man all of it was awesome. They announced a new album next year called “You're Welcome” and an accompanying tour to celebrate 20 years since the release of 3 feet high and rising.

From De La Soul

Not sure how these pics came out but I tried my best in the dark.. my phone's flash is still broken and I can't be bothered getting it fixed.


From Largs

I don't think I've mentioned Largs yet. It's really quite a nice place. Quiet but nice. It's a seaside town and pretty quiet most of the year. It's mostly inhabited by old people... mostly. But you know, it was exactly what I needed after I left London. It's worlds apart from London and gave me a lot of time to look for jobs and the such.

From Largs

Of course it helps that my Aunt Kathleens house is really quite nice and has the best central heating system ever.. and a dog that loves pats.

I'm really thankful that I was taken into their home so easily. It was like I was in a family as soon as I got there. :D

Wait, maybe i have blogged about Largs already. Ah well... nevermind then

Last days in Ireland

From 10-20-2008 - Ballintoy

So I spent my last few days in Ireland chilling with my family. I was originally meant to head home but decided to stay on because my aunt Brigid, who normally lives in Surrey/Manchester came up to visit. I knew Aunt Brigid from when she came over to NZ a good number of years ago. When you meet sisters separately you can really see the similarities. I can see parts of Theresa in Brigid when she's looking after Gran but then can see Francis in her when she's on the phone to friends or talking about tv :D. But of course she's her own person and the best thing about Aunt Brigid is she's really chilled out. Not that I gave her or any of my other relatives any reason to get annoyed but I think Brigid is quite patient. Haha, then my dad might say otherwise, i'm not sure.

From 10-20-2008 - Ballintoy

You know, to be honest, I always find talking about people really awkward. Especially when there's a possibility that they will be reading it. :P The point is that all of my family, mum's side and dad's side are really cool. I get along well with everybody.

So my Aunt Brigid took me to some of the smaller towns nearby. Actually it was probably the most picturesque areas of Ireland. Ballintoy was so so nice. It was stormy as hell but it made for some great pics, including my favourite picture I took in Ireland here:

From 10-20-2008 - Ballintoy

She also took me to one of the sites of Ireland i've always wanted to see. The smalled church in Ireland. We couldn't go inside but looking inside the window you could probably reach out and touch each wall. Kind of pointless but I like stuff like that.

From 10-20-2008 - Ballintoy

So yeah, that was my trip through Ireland. I got back to Largs and had to get ready for my first days at work in Edinburgh and then a trip to Belgium. Yep, I work two days then go on two weeks holiday. Awesome :)

Aunt's and Rope Bridges

From 10-19-2008 - Carrick - a - rede

So the next day I spent with my Aunties. My Uncle headed off to Dover for a school reunion, the school he taught at not the one he attended. I haven't talked about my Aunties yet. They are awesome. There's my Aunt Theresa who looks after my gran a lot. She works in Belfast but comes up to Ballycastle everyday (2hours drive). She's really nice and chilled out. From what I gather I think she probably looked after my dad a bit :P. Then there's my youngest Aunt Francis who is an utter shit. :P Haha, just put that in case she reads this. Nah she's alright. Haha, nah actually she's really cool. I don't know how old she is really but she acts like she is 12, but not in a creepy weirdo way just that she's full of energy and still teases my gran like she did when she was a kid. She is also very very astute (but I wont get into that)

From 10-19-2008 - Carrick - a - rede

So yeah, I spent the day with both Aunts and my Gran. Oh, for completion I have a few other Aunts. There's my Aunt Brigid who I will mention later, my Aunt Marion who I met briefly but will probably meet properly when I go back after xmas. There's also Aunt Rosemary, who I haven't met yet.

Theresa, Francis, Gran and I went for a drive up to Carrick-a-rede rope bridge. It's apparently pulled across to the other side via helicopter and is taken down during Winter. At one point people lived on the little island but no one lives there now.

From 10-19-2008 - Carrick - a - rede

Was pretty scary but having bungie jumped and all that It wasn't a too big a deal to cross it.

From 10-19-2008 - Carrick - a - rede

Surprisingly my Gran walked the whole way to the bridge. She's like 88 and was putting the panting Americans to shame. Haha, imagine being overtaken by a woman twice your age. My Dad says she never crosses the bridge though, and my Aunt Theresa kept her company but i'm not sure if it was a completely selfless task she was prob scared herself :P

From 10-19-2008 - Carrick - a - rede

The next day, my Aunt Theresa went back to work and Francis, Gran and I went for a walk in Cushendun. Big props to Francis for finding this nunnery that you get to through a cave. I didn't believe it existed, neither did Gran but she proved us wrong.

Drunk ass Giant finish your damn work!

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Okay, so it's been a while since i've blogged here but lets not dwell on that (especially considering it's going to happen a lot :D)

So where was I? Oh yeah, after having been around Rathlin Is and meeting my gran my Uncle Patrick was nice enough to take me to the Giants Causeway. It's about 30 mins away from Ballycastle and is totally badass.

It was a fantastic day for a walk even if it was a bit windy. We went along the cliff top first then made our way down to the Organ.

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Then the main causeway area. Apparently the story behind them is that a Giant wanted to build a pathway acrross to Scotland to start a fight with a giant over there. Well, he was Irish so he must have stopped for a drink or something and got mad boozed because he never finished it.

Turns out my Uncle is a bit of Geology nerd (hehe, he's cool though). The more boring explanation is that it was caused by the sudden cooling of lava. As it cooled equally on all sides it constricted and formed the 4,5,6 sided shapes. As you can see they are quite a sight.

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Someone once said that the Causeway is worth seeing but not worth going to. I don't know what he meant because the scenery was really nice.

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Oh yeah, on the way back a huge murder of crows were going ape. My Uncle says that it's a bad omen, and that something big was going to happen... weather wise anyway :P

From 10-16-2008 - Giants Causeway

Yeah so that's pretty much it about the causeway. They are really cool and I recommend going to see them but would probably avoid them in winter as it would be furreeeeezing.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

I love Zombie McCain

Zombie McCain wants votes.. nghhh..

That pic was in a Scottish Newspaper i was reading at the Elephant house cafe (the place where harry potter was written). I can't believe they published a picture like that. Poor guy looks like they opened the Ark of the Covenant (that's a little Indiana Jones humour for you)

Searching for a flat in Edinburgh

Figured while i was in Edinburgh for a few days i'd have a look at a few flats.

So far i have seen about 6 places and all of them fit into one of two categories:

1) Nice flat, shame about the people

2) Nice people, shame about the flat

I had a look at one flat in town, that was about 460gbp per month. That's pretty high. Actually for what the flat was, it was REALLY high. It was an old dentists office. It had two showers and two toilets. Sounds good yeah? Well, the showers are literally a shower with a step then a door, the toilets were smaller and the the door formed the 4th wall. So there was no real bathroom. But i guess that's okay because my room had a sink, in the middle of the wall. So if you wanted to get around your bed you had to scooch past between the sink and the bed. The kitchen was a mess, it was sharing with 5 other people, was probably going to get work done to it soon, it had no rubbish collection and he was trying to charge 460 for it! Ridiculous.

The other flats weren't exceptionally bad like that one, they were just kind of meh. I mean, i'm going away for two weeks so i can afford to be choosy. Basically, i just want a nice flat that is pretty new or newly rennovated with a lounge and a reasonably sized room. Sigh.. guess i've got plenty of time to look and i can stay in a hostel until i find something that really grabs me :)

Still though, Edinburgh is beautiful and i could have done a lot worse for a place to wander around.

From Edinburgh

I climbed Arthurs seat yesterday, i'll have to go back up there and bring my camera.

On the train back to Glasgow.

My gran is awesome OR My gran is Mrs Doyle from father ted

Okay, so because i grew up in New Zealand and most of my blood relatives were living in Scotland and Ireland i never really knew them.

I DID go to Ireland when i was 5 years old and met them then:

From 10-21-2008 - Family Photos

but to be honest i don't really remember it, and do you really ever meet someone properly when you're 5 years old. Actually, i do remember talking a lot about Postman Pat, but then he was awesome (even if he was a Ginger).

[sidenote: wow the train is getting REALLY full, glad i've got a seat.. take that old lady with crutches.. hehe joking]

Grandad is gone now, as are my mum's parents. So i'll never really meet them properly.

Yeah so i might not have known my family over in Ireland, but they certainly knew me. I went to Grans house and found a whole lot of pictures of us as kids and even my graduation photos (unfortunately it was from my Bachelors degree so i had the 'white fro').

My gran is awesome. She suffers from dementia and forgets things within a few minutes BUT she can remember old stuff and is still in really good physical shape so is not completely dependant or anything.

From 10-15-2008 - Ballycastle

Thing is, she doesn't know who i am whenever i walk in the room. I got worried about this initially because i didnt want to freak her out.. but my gran is so awesome and welcoming she gets me tea and biscuits talks to me for ages then asks my aunt discretely who i am.

From 10-17-2008 - Ballycastle

What's good though is that once i explain i'm Peters son she understands completely and everytime is like meeting a  long lost relative for her. It's so sweet.

She is the ultimate hostess. :) Even if she does offer me tea over and over again. She forgets i've just had one you see, or that i'm having one and don't have it my hand at the moment. It's funny. One dinner time she offered me bread like 50 times.

From 10-17-2008 - Ballycastle

She says i'm a lot like my dad. At one point she thought i WAS my dad. I'm hearing that a lot lately from my relatives. I guess it's true, right down to me bounding off the track to look at a mushroom while on a walk. :P

From 10-19-2008 - Carrick - a - rede

I could do worse, my dad is pretty awesome too.

Rathlin or "you are so much like Peter [my dad]"

Bear with me here, i'm writing this retrospectively. :)

I went to Ireland. It was green. I met relatives. They said i was like my dad.

That's it really.

Okay, so my Aunt and Uncle took me to Rathlin, an Island off Ballycastle where my dad grew up.

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

I have a bit of family history linked to that island. My mum's dad grew up there, as did my dad's mum. In fact they knew each other at school (well, EVERYBODY knew each other on a small island like Rathlin). Also, my dad's dad was the lighthouse keeper on Rathlin for like ever. My mum's mum used to spend most of her time there as did my mum and dad. Oh, and also my house in Waitakere was called 'Rathlin' after the island.

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

The Island itself is pretty small (like 4 miles across). You catch a small boat over from the mainland (Ballycastle) and it takes all of about 55mins on the big boat, or 20min on the small.

Hmm, actually if i go on and tell you about the island it's going to be pretty boring. There's not much point describing it because you can SEE what it looks like right here:

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

This is the Western point lighthouse that my grandad worked on.

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

Thats me at the Mack and Cherries. Apparently, if the two rocks touch the world will end so the thing to do to prevent it is put more rocks in between.

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

Just down from the Mack and Cherries is Arkill bay. Apparently my dad would love to build a house there. Bit isolated, not sure what mum will think :P

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

Probably the most exciting things on the island are the seals. How badass are seals? Quite badass.

From 10-14-2008 - Rathlin

Yeah so here's another slideshow thing.

I just had two nights in Rathlin, because i needed to head back to the mainland to meet my gran and family on my Dad's side......